Fleming Fund fellows at the University of Edinburgh

The University is working with fellows from Uganda, Zambia, Kenya and Malawi on antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic stewardship.

Uganda Cohort I professional fellows and their UoE mentors


Fellow Role Mentor Role
Joel Bazira Senior Lecturer at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) Dr Kate Templeton Consultant Clinical Scientist, RIE and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medical Microbiology
Merab Acham Veterinary Inspector at the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries

Prof Thibaud Porphyre

Research Fellow in Epidemiological Modelling, UoE / Chair Veterinary Public Health, Lyon

Ibrahimm Mugerwa National Coordinator for AMR Surveillance at the Uganda National Health Laboratory Services (UNHLS) Dr Adrian Muwonge Chancelllor's Fellow in Digital Health
Michael Omodo Laboratory Manager at the National Animal Disease Diagnostics and Epidemiology Centre (NADDEC) Dr Gavin Paterson Senior Lecturer in Molecular and Applied Microbiology
William Olum Senior Pharmacist at the Jinja Regional Referral Hospital Prof Mark Bronsvoort Personal Chair of Veterinary Epidemiology
Joseph Kungu Lecturer at the Makerere University, College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Resources and Biosecurity (COVAB) Prof Mark Woolhouse Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Malawi Cohort I professional fellows and their UoE mentors
Fellow Role Mentor Role
Harry Milala Laboratory Technician at the National Microbiology Reference Laboratory, Ministry of Health Dr Thamarai Schneiders Senior Lecturer in Molecular Bacteriology
Ronald Chitatanga Paediatric and Child Health Registrar at the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre

Prof David Gally

Dr Alice Street

Personal Chair of Microbial Genetics

Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology

Chikhulupiliro Chimwaza Yiwombe Pharmacist at the Ministry of Health Prof Rebecca Reynolds Personal Chair of Metabolic Medicine
Williams Mwantoma Laboratory Technician at the Central Veterinary Laboratory Dr Gavin Paterson Senior Lecturer in Molecular and Applied Microbiology
Catherine Kamwana Laboratory Technician at the Ministry of Agriculture Dr Stella Mazeri Chancellor's Fellow in Epidemiology
Mike Luwe Animal Health Officer at the Central Veterinary Laboratory Dr Alex Corbishley Senior Lecturer in Farm Animal Practice
Uganda Cohort II professional fellows and their UoE mentors
Fellow Role Mentor Role
Franklin Mayanja Laboratory Technologist at the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries Dr Bryan Wee Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Genomics and AMR
Israel Mugezi Veterinary Inspector at the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries

Prof Till Bachmann

Dr Diego Robledo

Professor of Molecular Diagnostics and Infection

Career Track Fellow in aquaculture genetics & genomics

Christopher Harold Amandu Head of Microbiology Laboratory at the Arua Regional Referral Hospital Dr Meghan Perry Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer
Uganda policy fellows and their UoE mentors
Fellow Role Mentor Role
Musa Sekamette Senior Epidemiologist at the Ministry of Health Prof Lisa Boden Chair of Population Medicine and Veterinary Public Health Policy
Michael Kimaanga Senior Veterinary Inspector at the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries Prof Lisa Boden Chair of Population Medicine and Veterinary Public Health Policy
Kenya policy fellows and their UoE mentors 
Fellow Role Mentor Role
Evelyn Wesangula Head of Division Patient and Health Workers Safety, AMR Focal Point at the Ministry of Health Prof Liz Grant Professor Global Health
Romona Ndanyi Veterinarian in the Diagnostic Services Division of the Directorate of Veterinary Services at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives Prof Liz Grant Professor Global Health
Zambia Alumni professional and policy fellows supported by the UoE


Fellow Organisation
Kasonde Mpanga Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI)
Geoffrey Muuka Directorate of Veterinary Services
Purity Mayembe Public Health Unit Department of Veterinary Services
Taona Sinyawa Central Veterinary Research Institute Department of Veterinary Services
Jere Elimas Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZMRA)
Paul Zulu Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI)
Daniel Ndambasia Epidemiology - Department of Veterinary Services
Otridah Kapona Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI)
Kenya Alumni professional fellows supported by the UoE


Fellow Organisation
Susan Mahuro Githii National Public Health Laboratory
Karim Wanga Pharmacy & Poisons Board
Edith Chege Directorate of Veterinary Services (DVS)
Omondi Eunice Atieno National Veterinary Reference Laboratories, Directorate of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development
Elvis Madara Waga Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD)
Uganda Phase 2 professional fellows and their UoE mentors


Fellow Role Mentor Role
Laura Lydia Adong
Veterinary Officer at Mbale District Veterinary Office
Prof Ross Fitzgerald 
Prof Molecular Bacteriology
Darius Owachi
Medical officer at 
Kirrudu National Referral Hospital
Simon Dewar
Consultant in Medical Microbiology, Honorary Lecturer
Stephen Aupal
Deputy Head of Microbiology at Lira Regional Referral Hospital
Simon Dewar
Consultant in Medical Microbiology, Honorary Lecturer
Stephen Candia
Veterinary Officer at Arua District Veterinary Office
Dr Bram van Bunnik
Core Scientist (Research Fellow)
Abraham-Otai Samuel
Senior Water Analyst at National Water Quality Reference Laboratory
Dr Donald Morrison
Lecturer Microbiology 
Moses Mukembo
Principle Laboratory Technologist at Fort Portal District Hospital
Dr Maddie Moule
Chancellor's Fellow - Global Challenges
Dennis Nankoola
Senior Pharmacist at Gulu Regional Referral Hospital
Mahmoud Eltholth
Lecturer in Global Health
Wilfred Opira
Regulatory Officer at National Drug Authority NDA-WOAH
Chris Banks
Core Scientist (Research Fellow)


Pamella Abwoyo
Regulatory Officer at National Drug Authority NDA-WOAH Dr 

Chris Banks


Dr Inaki Deza Cruz

Core Scientist (Research Fellow)


Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Public Health


Uganda Phase 2 policy fellow and their UoE mentor


Fellow Role Mentor Role
Harriet Akello
Senior Pharmacist at
Ministry of Health-Pharmacy Division
Dr Inaki Deza Cruz
Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Public Health


Zambia Phase 2 professional fellows and their UoE mentors



Fellow Role Mentor Role
Tibale Ngwata
Environmental Inspector at Zambia Environmental Management Agency-ZEMA
David Gally 
Prof Microbial Genetics
Elijah Chinyante
Biomedical Scientist at Ndola Teaching Hospital
Dr Thamarai Schneiders
Senior Lecturer Microbiology
Mulumbi Nkamba
Research Scientist at Central Veterinary Research Institute-CVRI
Deborah Hoyle
Kandandu Chibosha
Chief Pharmacist at Ministry of Health, Pharmacy Division
Prof Mark Bronsvoort
Prof Veterinary Epidemiology
Kaunda Yamba
AMR Senior Officer at Ministry of Health
Deirdre McClean
Lecturer in Ecological Education
Ruth Nakazwe
Principal Biomedical Scientist at University Teaching Hospital
Bryan Wee
Core Scientist (Research Fellow)
Chisha Simutowe
Registrar Internal Medicine at Ndola Teaching Hospital
Laurie Denyer Willis
Lecturer in Medical Anthropology



Zambia policy fellows and their UoE mentors 
Fellow Role Mentor Role
Joseph Yamweka Chizimu 
AMR National Coordinator and Focal Point at Zambia National Public Health Institute -ZNPHI 
Martyn Pickersgill 
Professor Sociology of Science and Medicine
Ricky Chazya
Senior Veterinary Epidemiologist at Department of Veterinary Services -DVS/ Ministry of Agriculture
Prof Liz Grant Professor Global Health