Successful workshop on Disease Transmission

Edinburgh Infectious Diseaes hosted a workshop on 29 April 2021 exploring key topics in transmission biology.

The workshop highlighted the wide variety of approaches and techniques taken by researchers from across the University of Edinburgh, and explored opportunities for interdiscplinary collaborations.

Key themes

The event was attended by over 150 people throughout the day and covered four major themes in transmission biology.

Modelling and mathematical biology

In the first session we heard from Mark Woolhouse (Usher Instiute), Áine O'Toole (School of Biological Sciences) and Graeme Ackland (School Physics and Astronomy), who all discussed the crucial applications of mathematical modelling to viral epidemics, focusing on the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in particular.

Parasite strategies for spread

The next session highlighted mechanisms of transmission of malaria and trypanosome parasites with Sarah Reece, Phil Spence, Keith Matthews and Nisha Philip (School of Biological Sciences).

Multi-host transmission and zoonoses

The third session covered a range of parasite strategies for spread, with Rowland Kao (Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies) discussing bovine Tuberculosis and Covid-19, Bryan Wee (Usher Institute) exploring the role of livestock in the transmission of antimicrobial resistance in urban Kenya, and Amy Pedersen presenting her elegant work on the complex nature of cross-species tranmission of parasites.

Populations and Policy

The day concluded with a series of talks from Sam Lycett (Roslin Institute) about the power of phylodynamics to understand pattern of viral spread, Pedro Vale (School of Biological Sciences) talking on the links between individual host heterogeneity and population disease dynamics, Helen Stagg (Usher Institute) focussing on the need to make work on the biology and social implications of disease transmission relevant for policymakers.


Recordings of the talks are now available to listen again.  Please note that University login is required for access.

Disease Transmission workshop presentations

More about the speakers and programme

Further about the speakers and the full workshop programme is available.

About the speakers

Workshop programme