Edinburgh AMR Forum seminar archive

Find details of past Edinburgh AMR Forum seminars.

Date Speaker Affiliation Title
10 November 2021 Till Bachmann Infection Medicine Series Launch Series Launch and updates from the DOSA project - Diagnostics for One Health and User Driven Solutions for AMR in India
24 November 2021 Ross Fitzgerald Roslin Institute Investigations into AMR and novel therapeutic targets at the human-animal interface
8 December 2021 Andrea Weiße Schools of Biological Sciences and Informatics

From pathogens to patients – modelling AMR at different scales

19 January 2022 Katie Atkins Usher Institute Quantifying the impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on pneumococcal resistance to antibiotics
2 February 2022 Clark Russell Centre for Inflammation Research Antimicrobial stewardship and Covid-19
9 February 2022 **EXTERNAL SPEAKER** Gopalan Krishnan Sivaraman ICAR- Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin, India Antimicrobial Use (AMU) and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in pathogens and its diagnostics in shrimp aquaculture settings
23 February 2022 Helen Alexander School of Biological Sciences Stochastic emergence of antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations: theory and experiments
9 March 2022 Adrian Muwonge Roslin Institute Surveillance of AMR in Uganda, Malawi and Kenya
16 March 2022 Meriem El Karoui School of Biological Sciences Single cell heterogeneity in E. coli response to DNA damaging antibiotics
20 April 2022 Bryan Wee Usher Institute

Genomics of AMR: From isolates to microbiomes

11 May 2022 Sander Granneman School of Biological Sciences Global post-transcriptional regulation of MRSA virulence by transcription factors
25 May 2022 Gerard Porter Law School Smart Regulation of Antibiotic Use in India
8 June 2022 Bartek Waclaw School of Physics and Astronomy Predictive models of bacterial response and the evolution of resistance to antibiotics
22 June

**EXTERNAL SPEAKER**  Prof Vicki Stone

Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Antimicrobial properties of nanomaterials
23 June 2022 Vasso Makrantoni Infection Medicine Genome plasticity: A survival strategy for human fungal pathogens - presented at the Edinburgh Infectious Diseases Annual Symposium
14 September 2022 Donald Morrison Edinburgh Napier University The contribution of the natural environment to AMR
27 September 2022 Iona Walker Edinburgh Centre for Medical Anthropology Art, Science, AMR: Disciplinary hierarchies and curious collaborations
12 October 2022 Cristina Moreno School of Social and Political Science Optimizing antibiotics? An ethnography of antibiotic stewardship interventions in public hospitals in Spain
25 October 2022

**Edinburgh Microbiology Forum** Karrera Djoko

Durham University Metal management during host-microbe interactions
21 November 2022

**EXTERNAL SPEAKER** Professor Frank Aarestrup

Playfair Library, 5.30 pm

Danish Technical University

Beating the Silent Pandemic:  Global Surveillance of AMR

29 November 2022 **Edinburgh Microbiology Forum** Tim Blower Durham University All the World’s a Phage” - Exploring phage-host interactions
30 November 2022 **EXTERNAL SPEAKER** Prof Gordon Ramage University of Glasgow We don't talk about Candida! Exploring clinical importance of fungal communities in human disease
13 December 2022 Nuno Silva Moredun Research Institute Understanding the Dynamics of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) at Livestock Farm and the Environment
31 January 2023 Andy Rowe University of Glasgow Intrinsic regulators: the key to defining bacterial niche specificity and pathogenic potential?
7 February 2023 Deborah Hoyle Roslin Institute The role of plasmids, integrons and metal resistance genes in AMR carriage by livestock