Successful Edinburgh Coronavirus workshop

The aim of the workshop was to highlight research being carried out in the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with presentations delivered by some of the top scientists and clinicians working in this field in Edinburgh.

The workshop was attended by more than 250 people, who heard from local scientists and clinicians on a range of topics, including basics of coronavirus virology, epidemiological modelling of the outbreak, how we can use rapid sequencing to track the course of the epidemic, and the sociological effects of quarantine.

The Director of Edinburgh Infectious Diseases, Professor Ross Fitzgerald, said:

The workshop provided an excellent forum for discussion of early data emerging from a number of projects at the University of Edinburgh, which are in receipt of substantial funding to enhance our understanding of both the virus and the patient response to the virus.


1.15 pm:  Ross Fitzgerald, Director of Edinburgh Infectious Diseases – Welcome and introduction

1.20 pm:  Christine Tait Burkard, Roslin Institute – Coronaviruses; how they enter cells and what spike, enzymes and chloroquine have to do with it

1.45 pm:  Kate Templeton,  Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh – Diagnostics  - tests for COVID19 - what are the options?

2.10 pm:   Bram van Bunnik, Usher Institute – Modelling the effects of social distancing measures on a COVID-19 outbreak

2.35 pm:  Aphaluck Bhatiasevi, School of Social and Political Science - The science of quarantine and the social life of COVID-19

3.00 pm:  Sam Lycett, Roslin Institute – Tracking the emergence and spread of COVID-19 using sequence data

3.25 pm:  Thomas Christie Williams, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine – Real-time sequencing of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic: an achievable goal?

3.50 pm:  Oliver Koch, Regional Infectious Diseases Unit, Western General Hospital – Clinical Aspects of COVID-19

4.15 pm:  Kenny Baillie, Department of Anaesthesia & Critical Care, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, and Roslin Institute – Clinical research response to COVID19

4.40 pm:  Panel discussion

The workshop stimulated a variety of useful discussions and ideas for future research.  As research progresses, it is likely a similar workshop will be held later in the year.

Listen to the talks

You can listen to the talks and see the slides below. 

Listen to Christine Tait-Burkard's presentation

Listen to Kate Templeton's presentation

Listen to Bram van Bunnik's presentation

Listen to Aphaluck Bhatiasevi's presentation

Listen to Sam Lycett's presentation

Listen to Thomas Christie Williams' presentation

Listen to Oliver Koch's presentation

Listen to Kenny Baillie's presentation

Listen to the concluding question and answer session

Please note that the recording of Bram van Buunik's presentation is missing the first 30s.