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24th Glasgow Virology Workshop 2019

Now in its 24th year, this one-day virology workshop is an informal and friendly event with ample time for interactive discussion throughout the day, which culminates in a Scottish ceilidh dance in the evening.


If you would like to attend this year’s event, please complete the attached registration form (link below) and return no later than the Monday 3 June to


09.10 - Welcome

Session 1 – CHAIR: Chris Boutell

9.15-9.45 Silke Stertz, University of Zürich (Switzerland) – MHC class II proteins mediate cross-species entry of bat influenza viruses

9.45-10.00 Julien Amat, CVR – Long-term adaptation of an avian-origin influenza virus to horses

10.00-10.15 Emma Thomson, CVR – The Uganda Acute Febrile Illness study – viruses flying under the radar

10.15-10.30 Michael Nevels, St Andrews University – Revisiting the impact of PML protein targeting and PML body disruption by human cytomegalovirus on innate immune activation and viral replication

Session 2 – CHAIR: Rute Maria Pinto

11.00-11.30 Daniel Bausch, Public Health England/London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (UK) – The UK Public Health Rapid Support Team

11.30-11.45 Sara Clohisey, Edinburgh University – Cap-snatching is directed in favour of influenza A translation

11.45-12.00 Nardus Mollentze, CVR – Using genomics and machine learning to predict the zoonotic potential of viruses

12.00-12.15 Open forum:  Q&A “Careers in industry; an insider’s perspective” Moiz Kitabwalla (elanco), Malcom Macartney (Janssen), Andy Lane (native antigen company), David Chapman (MedImmune/AZ)

Session 3 – CHAIR: Marc Niebel

13.30-14.00 Gill Elliott, University of Surrey (UK) – New perspectives on RNA metabolism in HSV1 infected cells

14.00-14.15 Emilie Pondeville, CVR – Reproduction-antiviral immunity trade-offs in the mosquito Aedes aegypti

14.15-14.30 Dave Bhella, CVR – Update on the Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging

14.30-15.00 Ann Palmenberg, University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) – In Memoriam: Betty the Chimp

Session 4 – CHAIR: Emilie Pondeville

15.30-15.45 Alex Borodavka, University of Leeds – These can go up to 11: The molecular choreography of multi-segmented RNA genomes

15.45-16.00 Vanessa Cowton, CVR – The road from neutralising antibody to potential HCV vaccine

16.00-16.15 Steven Sinkins, CVR – Field trials using dengue transmission-blocking Wolbachia in Malaysia

16.15-16.45 Richard M Elliott memorial lecture:

Stuart Neil, King’s College London (UK) – TRIMming and ZAPping filoviruses and retroviruses

19.30-late:  Ceilidh @ Glasgow University Union Dining Hall £10.00/ticket