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Edinburgh and West of Scotland Immunology Joint Symposium

The event is a full day symposium (10.00-16.10 followed by wine reception) held in the historic Burgh Halls in Linlithgow, easily accessible by public transport from both Edinburgh and Glasgow.

We are pleased to welcome two invited keynote speakers, Prof. Andrew MacDonald (University of Manchester) and Dr. Carmen Gerlach (Karolinska Institute, Sweden) in addition to our local speakers Prof. Gerry Graham (Glasgow), Prof. Kevin Maloy (Glasgow), Prof. Sarah Walmsley (Edinburgh) and Prof. Rose Zamoyska (Edinburgh).

Early career researcher presentations

There are a number of opportunities for talks by early career researchers to be selected from oral abstract submissions. In addition, there will be a poster exhibition and prizes for the best PhD and Post-doc posters.

This is a great opportunity to present your work to Immunologists from across the Edinburgh and Glasgow areas. Eight talks will be selected from submitted abstracts.

Key dates

Submission of oral presentations:   Closes 14 December 2018

Submission of poster presentations:  Closes 15 January 2019

Meeting and registration information

Registration and abstract submission


09.30-10.00                 Registration (with Tea/Coffee)

10.00-11.00                 Andrew MacDonald (University of Manchester)

11.00-11.20                 Short talks selected from submitted abstracts (x2)

11.20-11.40                 Sarah Walmsley (University of Edinburgh)

11.40-12.00                 Short talks selected from submitted abstracts (x2)

12.00-13.00                 Lunch and poster viewing

13.00-13.20                 Gerry Graham (University of Glasgow)

13.20-13.40                 Short talks selected from submitted abstracts (x2)

13.40-14.00                 Rose Zamoyska (University of Edinburgh)

14.00-14.20                 Short talks selected from submitted abstracts (x2)

14.20-14.40                 Kevin Maloy (University of Glasgow)

14.40-15.10                 Tea/Coffee break and poster viewing

15.10-16.10                 Carmen Gerlach (Karolinska Institute, Sweden)

16.10-17.30                 Wine reception, poster prizes awarded