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Edinburgh Infectious Disease Public Winter Lecture 2022

The global spread of infectious pathogenic bacteria, including those resistant to antimicrobial agents, is one of the greatest human health problems.

Frank's research has primarily targeted the association between use of antimicrobial agents to farm animals and the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance including the human health consequences.

He will speak on:  Beating the Silent Pandemic - Global Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance

Frank is an excellent speaker and his presentation will be accessible to experts and the general public alike.

Register for the Winter Lecture

Public engagement with AMR

Before the lecture starts there will be opportunities to explore some of the research in AMR happening across the University through public engagement activities set up in the library, and we warmly encourage you to find out more about our work from 4.30 pm.

The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception to which everyone is very welcome.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to what will be a most engaging and enjoyable evening.

Edinburgh AMR Forum Showcase

Frank's lecture  is also the keynote address of the Edinburgh AMR Forum Showcase that it taking place throughout the day on 21 November as part of activities for World Antibiotic Awareness Week.  If you would like to attend the showcase, please see the event website.

Edinburgh AMR Forum Showcase

Please note

There is no need to additionalIy register for the Winter Lecture if you have already registered to attend the  AMR Showcase.

Further information

If you would like further information about the event, or would like to sponsor the event, please contact the Edinburgh AMR Forum. 

Email the Edinburgh AMR Forum