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***POSTPONED*** Frontiers in comparative immunology series: T cell biology

The Comparative & Veterinary Immunology Group (Affinity Group of the British Society for Immunology) has organised its third meeting in conjunction with the UK Veterinary Vaccinology Network on T cell biology.

The meeting will take place in Edinburgh on 2-3 April 2020.

Full details of the programme are given below with a local and international speakers.

For the first time, there will be an opportunity for ECRs to give a talk or present a poster.

There are also travel bursaries to support attendance at the meeting from the UK VVN and the International Veterinary Vaccinology Network.

Information and registration:  Frontiers in comparative immunology series – T cell biology

NEW:  Avian Immunology Flow Cytometry Workshop

The first Avian Immunology Workshop will immediately follow the T Cell Biology Meeting.  Attendees of the T Cell Biology Meeting can attend this workshop for free.

Friday 3 April, 2 - 5 pm.

Registration is required for both events separately.

More information

For more information about the Comparative & Veterinary Immunology Group (CVIG) please refer to the group website and follow on Twitter

CVIG website

CVIG on Twitter

T cell Biology meeting programme

Day 1

10:00 Registration and welcome tea and coffee

Session 1: Harnessing T cell immunity 

11:00 Annette Oxenius (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)

11:30 Gregers Jungersen (Technical University Denmark, UK)

12:00 Short talk ECR 

12:15 Andy Sewell (University of Cardiff, UK)

13:00 Lunch

Session 2: Magnitude, Quality and  Function of T cell responses

14:00 Jim Kaufmann (University of Cambridge, UK)

14:30 Wilhelm Gerner (University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria)

15:00 Short talk ECR 

15:15 Tom McNeilly (Moredun, Edinburgh, UK)

15:45 Tea/Coffee

Session 3: T cell diversity and plasticity 

16:15 Tim Connelly (Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, UK)

16:45 Short talk ECR

17:00 Crystal Loving (USDA, Ames, USA)

19:00 Dinner

Day 2

Session 4 Regulation of T cell immunity  

9:00 Rose Zamoyska (University of Edinburgh, UK)  

9:30 Dietmar Zehn (Technical University of Munich, Germany)

10:00 Short talk ECR

10:15 Ann Ager (University of Cardiff, UK)

10:45 Tea/Coffee

Session 5 Systemic and resident memory 

11:15 David Masopust (University of Minnesota, USA)

11:45 Megan Macleod (University of Glasgow, UK)

12:15 Short talk ECR 

12:45 Elma Tchilian (The Pirbright Institute, UK)

Lunch - end of the meeting