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GENIE 2020

GENIE 2020 Website

Edinburgh Immunology Group and West of Scotland Immunology Group invite you to GENIE 2020.


Prof Paul Kubes (University of Calgary, Canada) and Dr Joanne Konkel (University of Manchester) are the keynote speakers, alongside local speakers Dr Julia Edgar (Glasgow), Dr Emily Gwyer Findlay (Edinburgh), Dr Mariola Kurowska-Stolarska (Glasgow) and Prof Neil Mabbott (Edinburgh).

There are a number of opportunities for talks by early career researchers (selected from oral abstract submissions).

In addition, there will be an extended lunch and poster session with prizes. Further networking opportunities will be available at a social event after the symposium (details to follow).


09.30-10.00 – Registration and welcome tea and coffee

10.00-10.10 – Introduction

10.10-11.00 – Paul Kubes (University of Calgary)

11.00-12.00 – Short talks selected from submitted abstracts (x2); Julia Edgar (University of Glasgow); Emily Gwyer Findlay (University of Edinburgh)

12.00-13.30 – Lunch and poster viewing

13.30-14.30 – Short talks selected from submitted abstracts (x2); Mariola Kurowska-Stolarska (University of Glasgow); Neil Mabbott (University of Edinburgh)

14.30-15.10 – Tea and coffee break and poster viewing

15.10-16.15 – Short talks selected from submitted abstracts (x2); Joanne Konkel (University of Manchester)

16.15-17.45 – Networking reception and poster prizes awarded


Registration and abstract submission can be found on the event website

GENIE 2020

Oral and poster presentations

If you would like to be considered for an oral presentation, please submit your abstract before 13/12/19.  Poster abstracts can be submitted until registration closes.

Closing date

Registration closes on 30/01/19 but may close earlier if capacity is reached. 

GENIE 2019 was oversubscribed and sold out before the registration deadline, so it is advisable to register early.

Public engagement

This year we are also planning to hold a public engagement activity for the local community who use Burgh Halls.

If you would like to get involved, please contact Cecile Benezech.

Email Cecile