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Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh Symposium: Infectious Diseases

This CPD accredited infectious diseases symposium is designed to inform a broad range of medical, and affiliated specialities, on the latest research and clinical practice guidelines for a range of common challenging infections in the hospital and community based setting, as well as preparedness for the next respiratory virus pandemic.

Programme overview

The interface between mosquitoes and man is the focus of the global session, with the key note lecture given by an internationally recognised dengue expert.

Our afternoon session is devoted to the management of complicated skin and soft tissue infections, with speakers from the surgical and medical world; the session will be highly relevant to both the high and low-and-middle income setting.

The day will end with four interactive clinical cases and although there is a dermatological flavour to the cases, each of these cases is more than skin deep!

Attendees will come away with up-to-date knowledge of the latest practice guidelines of the topics covered, and a deeper understanding of data gaps which afford an opportunity for further research and collaboration.

For more details and to reister for this event, please visit the Symposium website by clicking here

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