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Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease Symposium, Edinburgh


To reserve your place at the symposium please contact Joanne Taylor at Gilead.

Email Joanne Taylor


This full-day Symposium will cover topics including Hepatitis B, Hepatitits C, Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Liver Disease.

Session 1

09.30   Chairman opening – Prof Peter Hayes

09.40   Scotland Epidemiological Update – Prof Sharon Hutchinson

10.10   NHSE Elimination of HCV – Prof Steve Ryder

10.40   HCV Case finding & Access to Care – Dr Esther Aspinall

11.00   Q&A

11.05   Coffee

Session 2

11:20   Delivering Hepatitis C treatment within the Glasgow Drug court – Alison  Boyle

11:35   Re-engagement of patients with  Hepatitis C in NHS Grampian – Pauline Dundas

11.50   Successful Treatment of HCV in HIV Co-Infected PWID in NHS Glasgow – Patricia Anderson

12:05   Curing HCV in the Community  – Dr Andrew Radley

12:20   Hep B Cure – Dr David Bell

12.40   Q&A

12:45   Lunch

Session 3

13:25   AASLD Feedback – Dr Stephen Barclay

14:05   Viral Hepatitis in Pregnancy – Dr Andy Bathgate

14:25   Treatment of HCV in adolescents – Fiona Marra

14.40   Detection of Advanced  Liver Disease – Prof John Dillon

15.00  Q&A

15.05   Coffee

Session 4

15:20   Alcohol Related Liver Disease – Dr Alastair MacGilchrist

15:40   HCC Prevention Strategies – Dr Tom Bird

16.00  HCC: Recent Advances and Future Prospects – Prof Jeff Evans

16:20   Meeting summary, feedback – Prof Hayes

16.30    Meeting close