Beating sleeping sickness and other neglected topical diseases in sub-Saharan Africa - Sue Welburn

Sue Welburn is based in Infection Medicine at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Her lab has a major research focus on the eradication of Trypanosomiasis in Uganda and other areas of sub-Saharan Africa.

Professor Welburn's research has focused on the interactions between parasites and their vectors and hosts that lead to transmission of human sleeping sickness. This has involved a dissection of the mechanisms of innate resistance of vectors to parasite infections and the complex interactions between host, vector and parasite that result in parasite differentiation, disease transmission and epidemiology and control.

Recent research has concentrated on the design and use of molecular diagnostic tools for the study and management of sleeping sickness and animal trypanosomiasis, and integrated control methodologies for control of the Neglected Zoonoses.  This has encompassed research ranging from ‘grass-roots’ fieldwork in Africa to laboratory-based dissection of the problems at the gene level.

Zhejiang University - University of Edinburgh Institute

Sue is also the University Vice-Princiapl for Global Access and has been appointed as Executive Dean of the new Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute.  This new Institute is hosted by Zhejiang University as part of a $1bn investment in Biomedical Sciences, which sees undergraduate students taught entirely in English by members of the University of Edinburgh.