Our research

Find out about the broad range of themes on which our research focuses, highlights of our recent publications, and information about the world class technical facilities we have access to.

The research in Edinburgh Infectious Diseases can be grouped into six major cross-cutting themes. There is significant depth in research on immunology and vaccines, antimicrobial resistance, host-pathogen interactions, pathogen evolution, and social and healthcare dynamics. Find out about each theme and discover some of our research highlights on the pages below.

This page contains information and links to some of the world class technical facilities available at the University of Edinburgh.

Links to one minute videos made by members of Edinburgh Infectious Diseases describing their research.

Find out more about our recently published research and view archives of earlier work from Edinburgh Infectious Diseases.

Knowledge exchange and public engagement with Edinburgh Infectious Diseases.

Links to academic institutions, learned societies, funding agencies and other bodies engaged with infectious disease research.