Dynamics of infection in humans and animals - Mark Woolhouse

Mark Woolhouse is professor of infectious disease epidemiology in the Usher Institute. His lab takes a quantitative approach to host-pathogen dynamics to inform disease control measures.

His research interests concern the dynamics of infections of animals and humans at different scales, from the interaction of a parasite or virus with host cells, through to global estimates of disease burden.

This research involves the close integration of field studies, laboratory experiments and theoretical analyses and draws on collaborations between epidemiologists, mathematical biologists, geneticists, molecular biologists, immunologists and others.

Mark and his team work on a wide variety of infectious disease systems ranging from prion diseases to viruses, bacteria, protozoa and helminths. The common theme is the development of a formal, quantitative understanding of the dynamics of parasites and pathogens within hosts and host populations with particular emphasis on informing the design of disease control programmes. 

Read more about Mark's research