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Symposium: Diagnosis of Infectious Disease


09.30-10.00: Registration and coffee

10.00-10.15: Welcome and introduction from Prof. David Argyle (Head of the Veterinary School) and Prof Eleanor Riley (Director of The Roslin Institute)

10.15-12.15: Session 1

  1. Theodora Tsouloufi (SEBI, R(D)SVS) – Utilizing laboratory data to create a disease evidence base: lessons learnt from sub-Saharan Africa
  2. Alice Street (Social and Political Sciences) – Getting to zero: the role of diagnostics in the elimination of infectious diseases
  3. Kate Templeton (Department of Infection and Division of Infection and Pathway Medicine) – Gaps in current diagnosis / human patient management
  4. Mark Bradley (Chemistry, UoE) – Optical imaging of bacterial infections in vivo
  5. Till Bachmann (QMRI) – Biosensor-based diagnostics
  6. Sam Lycett (The Roslin Institute) – Viral pathogen sequencing for diagnosis and disease tracking

12.15-12.30: Panel discussion on Session 1: Chair - Ross Fitzgerald

12.30-13.10: Lunch

13.10-13.15: Group photograph (basement area)

13.15-15.15: Session 2

  1. Liam Morrison (The Roslin Institute) – A pathogen small RNA as a novel diagnostic for trypanosomiasis – highlighting needs and challenges in African livestock
  2. Dan Macqueen (The Roslin Institute) – Advanced sequencing diagnostics of salmon viral disease reveals unrecognized strain diversity affecting aquaculture
  3. Bryan Wee (R(D)SVS) – Direct diagnostic genomics with MinION to inform effective antimicrobial usage
  4. Heather Stevenson (SRUC) – Diagnostic challenges for sheep diseases; identifying gaps and opportunities for improved diagnostics
  5. Francesca Chianini (Moredun Research Institute) – Challenges for the diagnosis of atypical porcine pestivirus in pigs
  6. Valentina Busin (University of Glasgow) – Novel diagnostics for point-of-care. The example of sheep scab

15.15-15.30: Panel discussion on Session 2: Chair - Baojun Wang (School Biol Sci)

15.30-16.00: Discussion on future meetings and collaboration: Chairs – Elspeth Milne, Ross Fitzgerald, Gavin Paterson, Adrian Philbey, Tanja Opriessnig

16.00: Close

*** Please note that there will be a photographer taking pictures at the event and we will use it for our websites and social media. ***


Please register on Eventbrite.


Elspeth Milne – Chair of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh

Till Bachmann – Deputy Director Division of Infection and Pathway Medicine, University of Edinburgh