New PhD programme in Integrated One Health Solutions

Edinburgh Infectious Diseases is pleased to announce a strategic partnership between the Universities of Leiden and Edinburgh to offer six PhD studentships fully funded for four years focused on Integrated One Health Solutions.

Students together in the lab
Studentships are fully funded for 4-years and open to applicants from across the world.

The Universities of Edinburgh and Leiden have a long record of collaborative research and teaching, in particular in the fields of medicine and infectious diseases.

The aim of the new PhD programme in Integrated One Health Solutions is to foster collaboration and to build on existing synergies in the identified themes of this call.

We anticipate that each University will fund three studentships in areas where significant joint interest and expertise were identified. 

Projects will involve at least one supervisor from each organisation and it is anticipated that research exchanges between Leiden and Edinburgh will occur during the projects with the expectation that students will spend time in each institution, with a minimum of 12 months in the second host institution.

Students can apply for projects in Edinburgh or Leiden.  The closing date for applications is Thursday 28 Novemebr 2019.

Students joining projects at the University of Edinburgh will be expected to commence their studies in September 2020; the start date is flexible for students selected for projects based in Leiden.

Find out more about the new programme and how to apply on the programme website.

Integrated One Health Solutions PhD Programme