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Edinburgh World Pneumonia Day Symposium

Pneumonia is one of the most solvable problems in global health and yet a child dies from the infection every 20 seconds. 

This year we are hosting the Edinburgh World Pneumonia Day Symposium to both highlight the ongoing work in Edinburgh that is seeking new ways to combat the disease, and to place these studies in their global context.

Inaugural Lecture

The Symposium will be followed by the Inaugural lecture by Prof Debby Bogaert from the MRC Centre for Inflammation Research.

Born in a microbial cloud: Gatekeepers of a healthy life

This lecture will be held in the Chancellor’s Building, Little France at 5.30 pm.



Session One: 9.15 – 11 am

Debby Bogaert (University of Edinburgh) – Welcome and Introduction

Harry Campbell (University of Edinburgh) – Current Understanding of the Global Burden of Pneumonia in young children

Harish Nair (University of Edinburgh) – Child pneumonia epidemiology research - Edinburgh in the MDG and SDG era

Thushan De Silva (MRC Unit Gambia) – The potential for Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine use in LMICs: insights in to vaccine immunogenicity in Gambian children

Stefan Unger (University of Edinburgh) – The conundrum of undernutrition and pneumonia


Session Two: 11.30 – 1.10 pm

Lidwien Smit (Utrecht University) – Environmental risk factors for pneumonia

Kenneth Baillie (University of Edinburgh) – Host genetics of susceptibility to pneumonia

David Dockrell (University of Edinburgh) – Re-engaging host microbicidal responses to prevent pneumonia –

Kev Dhaliwal (University of Edinburgh) – “Better Together” to Understand Pneumonia


Session Three: 2 – 3.30 pm

David Goldblatt (University College London) – Parenteral Glycoconjugate vaccines and protection at mucosal surfaces

Rick Malley (Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School) – Trials and tribulations of a universal pneumococcal vaccine

Wouter de Steenhuijsen (University Medical Center Utrecht) – The local microbiota in respiratory infection

Steve Cunningham (University of Edinburgh) – Mind the Gap - building the bridge to recovery


Session Four: 4 – 5 pm

Lieke Sanders (Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital/Utrecht University Medical Centre) – Serendipity and science; the respiratory microbiome

Charade Musicals – Specially shortened version of the Edinburgh Fringe 2018 sell-out show "The Mould that Changed the World"

Public Engagment events

From 3 - 4.30 pm there will be a range of fun activities for children and families to which you are also invited.

Count the microbiome candies

Where did that bacteria come from?

How well did you wash your hands?

The strongest "army" for your body

Supercytes card game

Diagnose Kev!


Register now on Eventbrite.


We are very grateful to both Curetis and the British Society of Immunology for their generous support.

Curetis specialises in simple and rapid solutions for the diagnosis of severe infectious diseases in hospitalized patients.

For more information about the company please visit their website.

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