Malawi Fleming Fund fellows make further progress on AMR surveillance in poultry farms

May 2023: Researchers and Fleming Fund mentors from the University of Edinburgh visited Malawi in March and April to support the fellows in their work.

Over the past year, the Fleming Fund fellows in Malawi have undertaken a significant project aimed at characterizing antibiotic resistance patterns in Escherichia coli isolated from chickens, humans, and the environment sources on poultry farms in the Central Region of Malawi.

Williams Mwantoma and Dr. Mazeri's Team from Edinburgh working together on data cleaning
Williams Mwantoma and Dr. Mazeri's Team from Edinburgh working together on data cleaning

Despite encountering challenges during the sample collection phase, including unreliable power supplies and loss of flocks due to poor heating in some of the larger multiplier farms, the fellows successfully completed data collection in September 2022.

High-quality data generated from poultry samples

In March 2023, members of the mentorship team from the University of Edinburgh visited Malawi to assist fellows in evaluating data on E. coli samples isolated from poultry farms.  

Fleming Fund fellows Williams Mwantoma and Catherine Kamwana worked with Dr Stella Mazeri, Vesa Qarkaxhija and Dr Bram van Bunnik from the Roslin Institute, to standardise data collected from over 300 farms to allow robust analysis.

Collaborative Data Cleaning: Catherine Kamwana, Williams Mwantoma, and Dr. Mazeri join forces in Malawi.
Collaborative Data Cleaning: Catherine Kamwana, Williams Mwantoma, and Dr. Mazeri join forces in Malawi.

Harnessing international partnerships to address AMR

The ongoing collaboration between the Fleming Fund fellows and the University of Edinburgh is supporting the development of surveillance systems that will provide more comprehensive understanding of antimicrobial resistance in the Malawi poultry sector.

The pilot project carried out by the fellows is part of wider efforts by the Malawi AMR National Coordinating Committee to implement the AMR National Action Plan for the country.

It was a great opportunity to work and learn at the same time. The data cleaning process was like putting puzzle pieces together. The harder it became, the more we enjoyed it. Every second that went by, we were assured of the progress.

Catherine Kamwana
AMR Surveillance Animal Health Fellow and Laboratory technician at the Ministry of Agriculture, Malawi

The experience and knowledge gained through this intensive data cleaning exercise has greatly improved my skills and attitude towards data processing and management.

Williams Mwantoma
AMR Laboratory Animal Health Fellow and Laboratory technician at the Central Veterinary Laboratory, Malawi

Related Links

Fleming Fund Fellowship Scheme

Fleming Fund fellows at the University of Edinburgh

Kick-off of project to assess AMR in poultry farms in central Malawi

Malawi fellows have successfully completed specimen collection

Dr. Stella Mazeri profile

Malawi National Action Plan on AMR