Genetic basis of resistance

This theme explores the basis of host resistance and resilience to infection, examining the role of that host genetics and the microbiome play in determining the outcome of infection, to allow breeding of animals with increased resistance to disease and designing stratified medicine approaches to treatment.

Ross Houston is professor of aquaculture genetics at the Roslin Institute. His research group focus on understanding the genetic basis of disease resistance in farmed fish species, and developing methods of selective breeding for improved disease resistance.

Prof Debby Bogaert is based in the MRC Centre for Inflammation Research. Her research focuses on investigating the physiology and pathophysiology of respiratory infections and inflammation from an ecological perspective.

The Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health is led by Professor Appolinaire Djikeng. It was initially set up in 2015 with a grant of £10M from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Kenny Baillie is an Academic Consultant in Critical Care Medicine, and a Group Leader at the Roslin Institute, focusing on the genetics of susceptibility to severe infection.