Silent Pandemic documentary receives Regional AMR Champion Media House Award

November 2023: The documentary, the brainchild of Kenyan Fleming Fund Policy fellows at the University of Edinburgh, was made in collaboration with Distory Communications to raise awareness about antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Regional AMR Champion Media House Award for the Silent Pandemic Documentary
Regional AMR Champion Media House Award for the Silent Pandemic Documentary

The primary goal of fellows Drs Evelyn Wesangula and Romona Ndanyi was to break the silence surrounding AMR in Kenya, and more widely in the southern and eastern Africa region. With the documentary they aimed to elevate AMR as a critical policy concern at both national and county levels, and help bring it to the forefront of public awareness.

Regional AMR Champion Media House Award

Now, the Nairobi-based media house, Distory Communications, has been honoured with the 2023 Regional AMR Champion Media House Award for its outstanding contribution to raising AMR awareness.

This prestigious accolade recognises media organisations that demonstrate dedication to covering AMR-related topics, promoting responsible reporting, and enhancing public understanding of AMR through impactful efforts.

Sponsored by the World Health Organization and the African Union, these awards celebrate excellence in media coverage and individual journalistic endeavours that aim to demystify and raise awareness about AMR across the African continent. The goal is to drive positive policy changes regarding antimicrobial use.

Distory Communications emerged as the top media organization from a competitive pool of 53 entries received from across Africa.

The award was received by Hussein Mohammed, Managing Partner of Distory Communications, at the inaugural Regional AMR Champion Media Awards ceremony held in Harare, Zimbabwe, on 21 November 2023.

he World Health Organization's recognition of 'The Silent Pandemic' documentary highlights the importance of storytelling in the complex world that we live in.

Everything difficult can be broken down into a language that speaks to everyone. Broken down into little bits of information that appeal to the hearts and minds of audiences without losing the significance of the message.

We thank partners such as the World Health Organization, The University of Edinburgh, Kenya's Ministry of Health, and Africa CDC for embracing storytelling as an important tool in awareness creation.

Hussein Mohammed, Managing Partner of Distory Communications, proudly holding the Regional AMR Champion Media Award at the ceremony in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Hussein Mohammed, Managing Partner of Distory Communications, proudly holding the Regional AMR Champion Media Award at the ceremony in Harare, Zimbabwe.