AMR teaching programme 2021 – 2022

December 2021: The University of Edinburgh has put together a 5-month teaching programme for Fleming Fund fellows, covering various aspects of antibiotic resistance.

It was originally anticipated that the Fleming fellows would receive training applicable to their work in the surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and use of antibiotics during visits to Edinburgh.

However, as travel restricitions have prevented the professional fellows from the Malawi, and Uganda II cohorts, and the policy fellows in Kenya and Uganda, from travelling to Scotland, the University of Edinburgh has developed a new 5-month, online teaching programme delivered by mentors and other experts from the University.

This new course started in August 2021, and has covered topics ranging from diagnostics to epidemiolgy, policy and communication.  In each area fellows have accessed a number online recorded lectures, which have been followed by live discussion sessions with the mentors to help them reflect on what they had learned and how they might apply it in their own work. 

The asynchronous delivery of much of the material has provided flexibility for the fellows to access the training at times that are most onvenient.  The live sessions have been particularly fruitful in promoting interactions amongst fellows from different countries, and allowing broad sharing of insights and experience.

Teaching programme

Fundamentals of AMR 

Prof. David Gally - An introduction to antimicrobial resistance

Prof. Ross Fitzgerald - Tracking the spread of AMR at the human-animal interface

Diagnostics for AMR 

Dr. Gavin Paterson - Veterinary Antimicrobial Use and Resistance

Prof. Till Bachmann - Point of care diagnostics for Antimicrobial Resistance 

Surveillance of AMR 

Dr. Adrian Muwonge - A microbial community view of AMR emergence and spread at the human animal interface

Dr. Bryan Wee - Genomics of AMR: from isolates to microbiomes 

Use of antibiotics and stewardship 

Dr. Alexandra Viner - Use of antibiotics in maternal health

Dr. Alexander Corbishley - Antibiotic use on farms

Dr. Diego Robledo - Aquaculture and alternatives to antibiotics 

Policy and communication 

Prof. Lisa Boden - AMR at the Science-Policy-Industry Interface

Prof. Liz Grant - Global Health policy in practice

Dr. Christine Campbell - Involving patients and the public in our work - Community engagament, and in research  


Prof. Mark Bronsvoort - Introduction to Epidemiology 


Dr. Stella Mazeri, Introduction to Statistics

Dr. Stella Mazeri, Introduction to R and RStudio

The last series of sessions with Dr. Mazeri will be followed by a 3-day workshop: Introduction to Statistics in R with Dr. Stella Mazeri in January 2022.

Live discussion with Dr. Stella Mazeri
Live discussion with Dr. Stella Mazeri

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