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ION BRU Nanopore User Group Meeting - Infectious Diseases

In collaboration with Edinburgh Infectious Diseases the Nanopore User Group invites you attend at the next meeting which will focus on infectious disease research using Nanopore sequencing.

The timing of the meeting is designed to coincide with the end of the Genome Science conference held in Edinburgh.

The afternoon will feature scientific talks and networking sessions over lunch and tea/coffee.

Keynote speaker

We will have a special keynote speaker, Dr Matt Loose from the University of Nottingham.

Matt's website


 13:00:  FreeFood!

14:00:  Introduction to Nanopore and ION BRU – Amanda Warr

14:20:  Application of short and long-read sequencing during the investigation a small cluster of cases of Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 – David Greig

14:40:  Pathogen surveillance in a resource-poor setting– Stefan Rooke

15:00:  A nice cup of tea (or coffee or Irn-Bru)

15:30:  The genome of Caenorhabditisbovis – Lewis Stevens

15:50:  Long-Read Sequencing Determines Genome Structure in Salmonella Typhi – Emma Ainsworth

16:10:  Targeted sequencing with Nanopore – Matt Loose

Please register to attend on Eventbrite

Evenbrite registration link